Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Illinois, Here we Come!

Well, we did it.  Today we committed ourselves to beau- coup amount of money, and two weeks in an RV with five kids.  We are going to Nauvoo.

In June.  And did I mention we are taking the kids out of school?  I know.  We're nuts!  I am not sure what or why or how, I just that I felt one Sunday that we needed to go to Nauvoo... now.  My husband agreed.

I am not sure what I am worried the most about, the money we are spending on an RV, gas prices, insurance, finding campgrounds, my five kids, what to do when we get there, the route we should take to get there, the very large windows in front that makes it look like you could fall out onto the pavement at any moment, the fact that my husband and I have never even driven an RV before and now we are going to take one across the country, or what!

Add to that all the stuff you have to do to get ready for a trip like shop, go to the library, cancel appointments, find substitutes, get prescriptions, pack, prepare food, etc.  Whew!  I'm am tired already.

So, on top of everything, in the next two weeks, we are going to try to cram a year's worth of church history down our children's throats!  But ready or not, Nauvoo here we come!  


  1. Have a fun trip! That sounds like it will be amazingly fun. I have an aunt and uncle serving in Nauvoo right now; Elder and Sister Morgan.
    Miss you!

  2. Wow, that will be really neat! Happy for you! :D
